#2 in Song Lyrics Theme🔥🔥ANYONE HALSEY?!👌🏻Guess the song😝Posting this while eating lucky charms😋QOTD~Favorite cereal? AOTD~Apple Jacks(preferably with marshmallows😂)


#2 in Song Lyrics Theme🔥🔥ANYONE HALSEY?!👌🏻Guess the song😝Posting this while eating lucky charms😋QOTD~Favorite cereal? AOTD~Apple Jacks(preferably with marshmallows😂)

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by Halsey. and Frosted Flakes!!
woot halsey !!
HALSEY!!! COLORS!!! AOTD: Corn Flakes!
I love this!
AOTD: Sprinkle Doughnut Cereal
😂😂😂 I will❤️
uhm hello! You are one of the many people that I look up to and I need your help! ☺️ I'm making this collage to hopefully make people more happy and feel better(especially with everything that's going on) I just want to ask you what you would say to someone that's sad. If it's alright for me to use in the collage, I'll of course give you credit. 😊💕✨
thank you so much!! ☺️🙈💕 and of course I'd look up to you, you're amazing! 😜💐🍂
love Halsey