
Tamara thing for wattpad, hey guess who's kin with this girl?? ;D Aye btw anyone gotta request?


πŸ’™tapπŸ’™ Tamara thing for wattpad, hey guess who's kin with this girl?? ;D Aye btw anyone gotta request?

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@caption, oh, umm, I thought you were gonna make me a Lightning edit, or is it in progress? I just assumed you did agree to do it, I'm sorry 😞
re// oh, alright alright, I just wasn't really sure, ahah, sorry again, no rush at all, I just wanted to know that! ^^'
re// I really like your aesthetic style! But I do stick with one quote I really like from her, "Fighting without hope is no way to live, it's just a way to die.", I love it, so, I can't really decide, whoops haha
re// oh geez, thank you v much!