Collage by -nicks


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wow....-giggles- i um...hey im Maddy
rubs my arm- oh yeah. i been having them for a while. but they all i have meaning
these roses -traces them softly- when i was a kid my house burned down. it was just me and my momma in there. that week my dad had got my momma some roses and they were on a vase on the kitchen counter. thats the only thing that survived the fire. so its just a way of remembering my dad is always here...
its okay. what doesnt kill you makes you stronger right? -smiles and blushes a little feeling you look over me.
giggles softly and comes closer- yes sir -gently traces the tiger on ur chest with my acrylics- its so beautiful
looks up at u softly- thats really beautiful -gently traces it- i never knew my grammy. momma said she was beautiful...she cold black hair and big blue eyes. momma said she could sing so beautifully...wished i coulda met her.
blushes a little looking up at u leaving my cold little hand on ur chest- your calling me beautiful?
nods and laces my fingers with urs- ever just sit back and think about how its weird so feel so comfortable with a complete stranger? -looks down at our hands the up at ur eyes softly-
sure. Maddy is short for Madaline pronounced like Mad-uhh-line my middle name is Fallen. only my dad has ever called my Fal. i lost my dad my junior year of high school. he was a cop. dangers of the job i guess. ummm i was born on christmas so it gets overlooked alot. i hadda eating disorder all though highschool. i got help and throw myself into my work to fill the void. im an orthodontist. ummm. i can play piano. i usually only do when i'm stressed tho. ummm what else...?
nods- my momma taught me -smiles softly- such a sweet soul...okay ur turn. -looks over at u
smiles softly- love a man who can appreciate the arts.
laughs softly- mm barely noticeable
shrugs and giggles softly- i've definitely been called worse
well im glad -nods- that makes 1 person who thinks im somewhat okay around here
shrugs- i just tend to get used alot
shrugs- it happens
ohhh I like it rough but in a good way