No one needs me I'm better of gone


No one needs me I'm better of gone

8 0
have u gone goth or something
no not at all
why do u hate urself
I would say that but I have so many problems in my life right now
it so hard to deal with
didn't u see my advice chat page
ya why?
ADVICE <----
I can help the best I can
ya I know advice is just a little weird to me like taking advice from someone I don't know
ok I get it I d would to but still u have to be that gloomy
just think of ur followers
ya what about my followers
u think they like dark and gloomy
idk I'm not them
I do have a different account that's super different
well I know I hate dark and gloomy
ok check out my other account
which is
k brb I'll go check it out
wait I already am following that one
that's u