CC, u may be a pain but I love u and u r Abby's mum and she loves u and so do I. I need u more than u think yeh I'm ugly but Ik u don't love me for how I look u love me for being me and that's the same with me I love u bbyg ❤🙊💗🔐


CC, u may be a pain but I love u and u r Abby's mum and she loves u and so do I. I need u more than u think yeh I'm ugly but Ik u don't love me for how I look u love me for being me and that's the same with me I love u bbyg ❤🙊💗🔐

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so true, and bbyg u aren't ugly, u may think that but ppl loves u for who u are, and nothing with change how beautiful u are
baby I need to ask something?
ask away
*gets down on one knee*
*says* baby we may have broken up but marry me and be with me again please I love u
*shuttering* y yes I will marry u a again
*kisses u*
*kissing back* I'm surprised Vannah has a daughter, my brothers has a daughters, wow, I'm an aunt *laughing*
I'm sorry for Abby and Rosey for having my brother in their family 😂
yeah, and Abby is so cute just like her mommy, and Rosey is so cute just like her mom and her dad
awwwww thanks baby but Abby definitely gets it from u ❤😍
what can I say I have a charm and I'm a cheerleader she wants to be just like be, but she is just like u
babe she gets the cuteness from u
nope she gets it from u bbyg
baby have u seen urself
yes, but she gets the most adorable and cuteness from u
babe no
ok fine, she gets the cuteness from both of us
but mostly from u
love u
love u to
ok I'm back bbyg
hey baby
hey, Vannah is crying rn I don't like it
Jack called her ugly and fat
Ik imma kill him
I want to but can't
baby stay calm
I can't stay calm, he has hurt my bestie so many times I can't take it
baby I'll deal with it
ok 😔🤧
baby what's up
nun much just trying to calm Vannah down
baby u go do that
if u want u could talk to her if only u want to, I'm not forcing u to do it tho
baby I don't mind
kk here she is
hey Billie 😔
hey Hun
I hate life my life is messed up
Hun don't u love James
thanks sis, but cc wants u back now so bye
bye Hun
by sis