If you’re gonna start arguing with me over this posts, know that you are wasting your time with pointless disputes that WON’T help the environment.


If you’re gonna start arguing with me over this posts, know that you are wasting your time with pointless disputes that WON’T help the environment.

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we are the cancer cells to our home!! cancer cells adapt to the host so they can live in it but end up destroying its home in the process! that’s EXACTLY us! we are destroying the environment and in the future we won’t even have a home anymore
my brother and my mum were discussing plastic in the ocean and like (I forgot the names) but there’s a large part of the ocean completely covered in trash that it’s as large as a major country or something.
and honestly we can’t just stop using plastics, we have to do more!! this is the home that the future generations are going to live in! adults might not care because they won’t live to see the world get destroyed, but us younger people will have to live through it. it’s actually so sickening the amount of effort older people put into caring for this earth.
I agree with everything you just said in your bio sksksksks
this is so true! gods so many of my friends barely even care about the environment and that angers me so much. I’ve wanted to try zero wasting for awhile but it’s honestly so dang hard where I live. I wish my country would do more to become more sustainable and eco-friendly. I’m really trying but the society I live in is so stubborn and he government focuses more on our health than the health of our environment
honestly where I live, the most i can do is use less plastic and recycle but that’s like, the limit.
honestly instead of “everyone turn off your lights for an hour” , we should do something like, “everyone don’t use plastic for a week” or sth so we can get used to living without plastic! and wouldn’t it be a win-win if everyone just used their own containers for takeaway instead of plastic containers? the shops can reduce money used on packaging food and we can save money by not paying for the packaging?? and why do we need to use so many straws?? just use your mouth!!!
society (including me in the past) is stubborn, greedy and selfish. sure we might have some nice attributes too but when you look at how we’re killing our home, we’re so cruel. the world that gave us a place to stay and call our home, that gave us the energy to fuel our passions, that provided us with warmth and all our daily necessities. we’re just killing it as if it’s our worst enemy when it truly is like our Mother
sorry I’m ranting lol
yeah I know! even kids know about biodegradable plastics and yet countless government choose to ignore it for their own benefits.
^^sorry I saw ur comments replying to those comments and tbh those things don’t help the environment that much. telling people is great but most people won’t do anything or can’t do anything, so it doesn’t make much of a difference
but I guess you are doing something at least🤷‍♀️most people don’t do anything at all
you speak the truth.. I can’t argue with you crook cat.
can I repost this on my extras and on PicsArt? I’ll give credits
that’s flipping inhumane and stupid
whO cArEs AbOut YoUr OiL inDusTrY whEn OuR hOmE is goNe
^i agree in the sense that people shouldn’t be force to constantly think about this but at the same time, everyone can do something.
you don’t need to give up your livelihood to complete your duty of keeping the environment clean. its just the little things that can make a big impact. just my opinion tho
idk if that made sense but hopefully you got the concept of what I’m trying to say
yeah I guess but complaining about it online isn’t going to do much tbh. whatever we do the government will still ignore us
Dude you really opened my eyes with this post. I’m gonna do whatever I can to help save our environment.
ive missed you too!!! it’s been such a long time since ive been on
hopefully my environmental collage will help raise awareness🌿🥰
I just read your text on -0atmeals- page about what’s wrong with not being a Christian. I don’t want to get all up in your business, but I just wanted to say that we are christains and we believe that if you aren’t a Christian you don’t go to Heaven. I just wanted to share that with you so that you understood that what she meant.
I’m really sorry. I wasn’t trying to do that at all. It’s just what I believe and to me, it’s just the truth. So my bad if I offended anyone, I wasn’t trying to be rude, just speaking what I believe and what -0atmeal- believes is true. Also I’m sorry for answering that question you asked that apparently wasn’t a question 🤔, I was just trying to help you see her and my view.
And I wasn’t “running around telling people that if they don’t believe in my religion that they won’t go to heaven” and -0atmeal- wasn’t either it was just a simple “the worst part is he wasn’t a Christian” and me just trying to answer your question. I’m not going around on peoples pages telling them that, I was simply trying to help you see our point of view.
Also it’s on her page so don’t blame her for posting her truth
exactly!! and thank you!
yeah I still don’t get how politicians still ignore the basic facts! you don’t need logic to understand that we ca t just wait and see if it happens or not, we have to do something!
of course 💗 I felt really sad and passionate about it when I wrote that, and writing about it made me feel better.
I feel like the 3rd generation is going to have to do all the "save the world!" thing because the 2nd generation is just being hideously stupid and not caring, so we really need to step it up and help this world
dämn👏🏻👏🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻fully needed post. wish i could spread this everywhere👏🏻👏🏻but it seriously sucks how the environment is dying and no one’s doing anything about it. i’m trying at the very least but it also doesn’t help when i’m a minor and my parents are the ones buying the plastic and unsustainable things we use and when i bring it up, they say “oh, but plastic is cheaper” or “it’s fine, we’re using just a little” but every little thing builds up. and also a lot of it is based on the government and politics. and i HATE how the US isn’t taking part nationwide in trying to save the environment. yes, there are select places like new york or maine doing things to prevent more destruction but i feel like there’s so much more that needs to be done but can’t be done because the government isn’t regulating things and funding for the environment. >_< there’s just so much that needs to be done in such little time but the people in control of our government and the young people who are trying to make a change don’t care or don’t listen or don’t try. and even when we recycle, not everything even gets recycled.😓idk how to end this rant but i fully agree with you
honestly I’m so glad you made that contest!! the environment awareness posts all started when you bought up the topic💖
this is just so true. I couldn't say any more about this. I know I normally have some argument for you😂 but this is just so well said!
oh ok. I was just wondering what you meant
aw you’re welcome🌿
I agree with you 100%. It’s completely unbelievable that some people deny that climate change exists, and maybe even worse the people who know it exists and don’t care at all. To not care about your home, to the home of future generations is complete and utter rubbish. We should all be doing something, taking a stand, spreading awareness, and trying our best to effectively stop climate change or at least stop it from getting worse. Why do the people in our society not care about our future? Why do they not care about all the disasters climate change will and IS causing. Everyone should at least be contributing in a small way at the very least. If everyone in the world could contribute to stopping climate change, it will add up. Will this be enough to reverse the effects of climate change? I don’t know, but at the very least we have to try. We have no other option. There is no other way. People should care, and they should DO something about it.
my mom literally said "I'll leave it to the smart people to figure it out" and I'm like THAT IS WHAT EVERYONE SINGLE PERSON IN THIS WORLD SAYS!
love ur acc