


4 0
What are you doing
still watching that movie
what about you?
still on YouTube to
what are you watching?
what movie are you watching?
what about you
I am watching MissRemiAshten
do you watch her
she is so funny I love her!!
who else do you watch on YouTube
Mackenzie Ziegler Kendall K Brooklyn and Baliey
me to
we like a lot of the same things!
what sports do you do?
dance and gymnastics and maybe softball next year. what about you?
gymnastics and volleyball and maybe cross country next year to
some of my friends are doing cross country
what do you want to talk about
Hey I have to go can we talk tomorrow. Maybe at 8:00 or 8:30 again?
yah lets do 8 is that ok
perfect!!! Bye
and can you call me
if not totally fine
probably not till Monday.
never mind about call me when the phone rings it will wake people up lets just text
good idea bye