Collage by isabella_smile


19 3
you hate me don't you?
that's why you're ignoring me.. great..
why am I even bothering to get your attention...
wow so you are ignoring me..
heh should've known.. everyone hates me.. everyone ignores me..
I don't hate didn't show me you commented...I'm not trying to ignore you...look up The White Wall Project...
on YouTube..
what did that have to do with anything....?
are you stressed..? depressed..? or have anxiety..? it helped didn't it...
not really...
oh sorry..just thought it'll relax you..
I'm not much help anymore...
sorry..... I'm un helpable..
that's a lie..
no it isn't.
no offence but you say that I'm un helpable but you don't know anything about what I'm going through...
it's ready none of my business but your the one saying your unhelpable. And no one will know what your going through unless you tell them