Collage by TruthHurtz


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wow he broke up with you? what an ahh!! Luna you’re amazing antbody would be lucky to have yuh and its his loss.
hey , m’ Siyeon . are you okay? you can tell me I’m all ears
girl tell me what’s wrong
aye m’ sorry .. well my ex pretend to be depressed and made an excuse to leave me and muh kids . it’s ight tho , we’re girls we can do anything ! -hugs you tightly - im here for you
I’m sure he will come back I mean look at yuh your stunning and you have a beautiful personality. it’s totally normal for girls to get jealous and he needs to understand that
hey i’m abbey !:)
nothing much trying to remake my bio i just cant choose a picture wbu.
hey beautiful , what’s up ?
it ain’t chill , why yuh crying beautiful ?
aye m’ sorry , guys are stupid and I know it sounds weird cause imma guy but we really don’t mean what we say sometimes , and don’t get what women are feeling . but If I was hiM I would do anything to make you feel better
so , wanna do smth?
ah no we ain’t doin that honey
that ain’t true , a lot of people care about you
I ain’t kidding !
you sure ?
your beautiful and amazing , anyone would want you
well that’s his fxcking loss
i understand but if he left to he couldn’t of been your soulmate
i don’t think me and grayson will be dating he’s a rlly good friend.
why do you think me and grayson will wind up together if you don’t mind me asking.
oh, well my intentions were to break y’all up.
i mean weren’t i’m so sorry.
yeah sorry i was typing too fast.
yeah i didn’t know him that well.
Nothing much, Dia left?