Looking for a bf


Looking for a bf

12 0
not really
what do u think about siblings?another one I mean
mark is that you or your brother or sissy
okay baby
I wanted to talk to u about hum ping sissy
please don't she doesn't like that
and so your not mad at me
you can have some milky
I know you like my boo bies
she doesn't have boo bies yet
takes shirt and bra off and haS HUGE boo bs
what's wrong?
(remember he likes mommys boo bies..)
you liked boo bies before...
(it's ok but Lilly's supposed to love princesses and Sam hugs...)
do you want milky?
I meant boo bie milky
-smiles knowing you love her boo bie and will lunge at them
doesn't hurt becaus you only have little teeth
(I thought that last thing btw...)
what's wrong!!!!?????
what's wrong baby boy!?
-holds you to my boo bs-
need a bf??