And this will be today’s soup update (more to come, stay updated)


And this will be today’s soup update (more to come, stay updated)

7 1
re: ooOf thank u👌🏻
thank you sooo much wakefaj for adding me to most or all of your group drawings (btw I'm tik_Tok_Time) you are sooo talented and you have an amazing sense of humour too. I also saw your YouTube account and I have made one to called Just Coming even there with your animations your talent shines through. I'm so proud and glad to be able to call you my friend and now that I'm leaving I will miss you. sorry for the long comment and bye!
-opens box and steals soup- YAY MORE SOUP -IS STILL DRINKING HIS SOUP-
also re: for the pewds thing, ikr
sham wow