Collage by Crislynn Gregory

Crislynn Gregory

7 0
I'm tired of this sh....
sry I was just trying to help
help with what
I'm sorry but all this girl drama
my friend Billie hurt her so now that Shelby isn't single Billie tries to take advantage
wow I haven't done anything
oh go away get off my page
get off now
I'm soooo peed off right now
nah u can't make me
go away
make me tŵat
go fûck ur self šlut
Billie stop please, crislynn I'm sorry you got dragged into this, your a friend to me you shouldn't have to put up with this
Shelby why should I
and if I was a słut I'd look like u
....... please I not doing this again,
well Shelby u started this
please get off my friends page this between us not them in not answering you anymore, bye
idc u can't make me
crislynn can we talk
Shelby I'm sorry
crislynn is Steven okay
idk 😭😭😭
I'm fin 😔