Did you enter my contest yet?qotc what's your dream place to travel Aotc Europe (Paris but anywhere there my grandpas from Hungary so I'm quarter Hungarian he learned English when he was 6 I just thought I'd say that)


Did you enter my contest yet?qotc what's your dream place to travel Aotc Europe (Paris but anywhere there my grandpas from Hungary so I'm quarter Hungarian he learned English when he was 6 I just thought I'd say that)

110 0
Ireland or Australia
Cool style!😍
Australia would be amazing my step grandpa is Australian and my step mom always talks about the spidersπŸ™ˆπŸ™€πŸ˜«πŸ•·
that sucks I have never been on a plane to anywhere in Canada besides two way flights other than that it's always USA
thx you toπŸ’•
wow thx