Surprised that I have no fanpage if there is gonna be a fanpage, then please don't forget the in thesharkboy?


Surprised that I have no fanpage if there is gonna be a fanpage, then please don't forget the in thesharkboy?

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you don't really need a fan page .. as long as you know people care about you that would be enough,wouldn't it?
maybe we could make a fan page lol
maybe... just maybe...
on my last post u supposed to guesses
hey, I’ll be totally happy to rp with you?
okay, cool in chat or in remixes?
don’t feel bad for me, I’m fine 🙂
well, you cut yourself that have to hurt time to time
does it?
it hurts ALOT, but i don’t really think about it because it makes me forget about my problems, sooo yeah
but u shouldn’t worry about me. I don’t want to put any stress on u
no stress at all tbh I have more stress when I get bullied
yeah me too
tbh I am one of the weakest one, like I could tell you how weak I pretty much am
plz remember this: no matter how much u get bullied or anything else don’t cut itself, it’s very unhealthy and addictive, it can kill u, and I’ve passed out once from loosing too much blood, so plz don’t cut
well, tbh I never passed out from losing too much blood, and I lost a lot like about 999 blood or more
well just don’t cut plz. I got addicted from it
why would I do that, atleast I am doing that truth or dare thing from the scary movie truth or dare