A rainy edit for the song lyrics of “Even if it’s a lie” by Matt Maltese. He’s awesome. Hope you all are doing well! I saw Aladdin: The Musical. It’s absolutely AMAZING. So good and so colorful.


“🌧tap🌂” A rainy edit for the song lyrics of “Even if it’s a lie” by Matt Maltese. He’s awesome. Hope you all are doing well! I saw Aladdin: The Musical. It’s absolutely AMAZING. So good and so colorful.

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this is beautiful 😍
cool! I haven’t seen any musicals before😂😅have you seen any other musicals besides Aladdin?😊😆💕
of course! your account is just so amazing!
oooh~ cool! my school sings wicked medleys at performances so that’s all I’ve ever ‘seen’😅and yeah, I hope so too😆😊💕