Collage by -ask_connie-


21 1
Hi.. *takes a deep breathe* I'm here.. sorry I had to do a lot of work at the car wash. But I'm here! What do you need? -Stêven
I've even OKAY! thanks, and yes! it has been forever. -Steven
so do you have a crush on Steven-Chloechan34
Nothing's wrong, Connie. Your boyfriend up here might explain it to you! ^^
hi Connie
you and Steven are so cute together
what's it feel like to fuse
Did you like Steven better when he was older? and were you sad that he can't get older?
how did you and Steven fuse and u don't have a gem?
I've seen the show ✌️
Do you like memes?
Could u tell us more about u!!!!😇