Entry to contest, rate 1/10


Tap Entry to contest, rate 1/10

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Hey! It’s the 2020 Awards, and I just wanted to let you know that there is a survey on our account for what categories you would like to see in this years awards. The awards will be starting as soon as mid July - early August, so if you are thinking about filling out the survey, please do it as soon as possible. Feel free to ask any questions, thank you! - 2020 Awards
hi 👋🏻Thank you so much, I’ve been good enjoying being off school ☺️hru? 💗
so pretty! I have two dogs hbu?
so pretty!
10/10! But I would love if u tried something new! :)
10/10! I love books! They were my life during quarantine!
thats facts i love reading...this collage looks amazing btw❤️