Collage by criestal


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yeah :) I'm going to turkey on Tuesday so my mom has been rushing around trying to get everything ready lol I haven't really helped in the slightest😬 I kinda feel bad but tbh none of my sisters have helped either😂
haha😂 ew my sisters are trying to get me to play 'schools' with them :( oh, the fun I have at home🙄
I wish my siblings did that. they just don't leave me alone! :(
haha😂 I guess that is an upside lol :D i hate when I have friends over because they always want to 'play' with us and I'm just like um no :/
tell me about it🙄 my friends think they're cute, but I know the truth *dramatically*😂
ikr😂 my sisters think they are so mature and cool, they go around stealing my makeup and I'm not joking but they put so much on they look like drag queens😬 I really need to put my makeup on a really high shelf...
😂 little kids just like to pretend to be older than they are. i remember I was upstairs one time when I was little and I was in my moms heels and I tripped and fell down the stairs and broke my nose. i stopped dressing up in her clothes after that😂
yeah... I'm still trying to gather what dignity I have left from that time😬 it wasn't pretty😂
thanks😂 I'm pretty lucky tho, most times when people break their noses, it never looks the same. my healed just fine :) I thank the lord 🙏🏼
have you broken any bones?
I've broken my nose and my wrist. I went roller skating in third grade, fell and landed on my hand. yeah, that wasn't pretty either. it was also pretty embarrassing. I still haven't been skating since. im scared😂
yeah😂 I went to this place with my family and Mia and Lia wanted to do roller skating but they were too young and needed me to go with them and I was like uh no way :o
yeah, both ice and roller skating are quite hard. it's only natural to fall down haha. My sisters didn't want to go anymore after watching everyone fall down and make fools of themselves😂
haha. there's a video of me learning how to ride my bike when I was 5 and I literally set off and fell. and my dad just laughed at me lmao😂 (before helping a crying 5 year old off the ground😂) I'm so clumsy, I trip and drop things and fall down and knock things over and break things all the time😂
legit I was in the line at school for assembly or whatever and I was at the back, I tripped and fell into the person in front and it was like dominos. everyone fell on the ground and we all got mini 10 minute detentions. I was not too popular with my class that day😂
ikr haha. I'm not to great socially either. I'm not very good at making friends because I, like, start talking really fast and I saw really irrelevant things 😂 it's painful when I look back on things I thought were okay to say😬
ikr, sometimes I'm just led in bed at night trying to fall asleep when I remember something cringey I said or did like three years ago and I'm just like why did I think that was okay😭
oh god Mia and Lia and have found some hair chalk of mine from years ago. They've stained their clothes, faces and bedrooms oh god
something like that😂 ugh how did they manage to get hair chalk literally everywhere other than their hair?!
yeah, my mom walked in while I was trying to clean them up. god was she mad😂
thanks for offering, I haven't ever watched Sherlock before😂 joking I'm sure a little family chat will be more than enough (am I convincing🙄)
k just talked to them😾 they honestly make me so mad. I started to get angry with them and they started crying and my mom comes in and yells at me for making them cry😑
'I didn't know ice cream preferences could be linked with intelligence ! '
tell me about it🙄omg my hair looks like a complete frizz-ball🤷🏽‍♀️ I've had plaits in for the last 3 days because I want my hair to be as curly as it can get bc my hair is rlly straight. that was a big mistake...
I'm sure it looks great :) oh god I left it overnight but it just made it worse :( ew it's 5:00am here and in tired but we have to get up early cause we're going on holiday today wooo
my sisters are laughing at my hair😂 :(
it's okay, my mom put some 'de-frizz' stuff on my hair and it calmed down a bit :0
I'm in Turkey and it's amazing! it's so hot here and we've just come back from watching the sunrise🔆🇹🇷
I'm leaving Turkey tomorrow :( but it's like at 2 in the morning, so we can't go to sleep and then i land back in UK at 9 in the morning so there's no point in going to sleep then either😬 I'm gonna be so tired😭🌺✌🏼