For some wierd reason i got heavily inspired to a RESEARCH PAPER about how making women shave their legs is DUMB. Im not done obvi but its lowkey kinda good


For some wierd reason i got heavily inspired to a RESEARCH PAPER about how making women shave their legs is DUMB. Im not done obvi but its lowkey kinda good

17 0
omg this is great
my best friend is from Nigeria; there, everyone shaved their pits but not their legs so she felt super weird when she realized all American women shave everywhere whereas American men aren’t expected to at all. I honestly think that shaving the pits helps more with hygiene or at least maintaining a normal amount of growth because otherwise it’s just uncomfortable, but the legs tho?? they don’t constantly sweat like,,,, I don’t get it. I’m too used to shaving to stop now though. I’m too impatient for hair to grow all the way in, there’s too long of a period where it just itches and I hate it. Tristin wouldn’t care either way so that’s what matters 😂 find yourself a partner who doesn’t give an f