not just black lives. Debate in comments if you'd like🎶


not just black lives. Debate in comments if you'd like🎶

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saying #blacklivesmatter doesn't mean other lives don't. just like saying save the rainforest doesnt mean fûck all the other forests
sammmmmeee! I saw the democratic debate too
I think that some black people are more racist than white- sometimes. I have. a lack friend and she believes that same thing too- that blacks are way more racist. not that I'm against blacks, I have friends that are, and I love them with all my heart. it's about the character not the color.
hey is my mesg showing^^
anyways in case- some blacks are more racist than white. but in the end people should be jugded by character not color/ ethnicity
Ikr I hate it when people say to help the starving people in Africa like there is literally people starving all over you can't just say to help people in Africa you might as well be saying "screw all other hungry people" *sarcasm* in all seriousness though saying something matters doesn't mean other things don't matter. Kind of like with feminism. Saying that women getting râped at the rate they do isn't trying to demean the male victims of ràpe-oh wait you think it does XD