what even are my posts anymore. im just slowly going insane i think


what even are my posts anymore. im just slowly going insane i think

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are you sure you weren’t just drawing my life 😌
help now I want them too
u can drive, i'm jealouos
that drawing is me as well how did u know :/
dude I want a tattoo so bad too omg 😤
honestly though same I feel you
like chocolate milk sounds so good rn 😂
well I guess you can if you want 😂
welp 😂
ur current icon looks much better tho 😂
why can I legit read that visual representation so accurately tho
i would lowkey vibe with your style i love your sense of fashion ✌️
bRUH whoever said that like... stop pls😌
also the half of it is a new movie on netflix i watched it last night at 4 AM and i liked it but then again it was 4 AM so idk😂
hehe, no worries at all! I think I might use it for a ‘meet the collager’ or something or maybe even as an icon!! thank you so much for doing this, Renae!
Aksjs I love ur fashion taste thooo orange hair 😱 and skeleton earrings 😍
chocolate milk is delicious aksjksjskahs
omg I kinda want skeleton earrings🤩
oh girl enjoy to be yourself I would love to have orange or green hit but my mom doesn’t agree with that green is the perfect colour for my hair 😭😂
omg yess I will!
our mental health b in sync
are u doin ok tho?
i been missing u renae 😕 ik life aint the best but id love to chat if youre bothered to 😌
how are you bro🤟quarantine is becoming more and more gArbAge
anyway hope you’re survivin, I miss seeing your posts :*)