Dear, kk22xoxx we didn't post that someone else did and I thought u needed to know that someone said that about u


Dear, kk22xoxx we didn't post that someone else did and I thought u needed to know that someone said that about u

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kk22xoxxhater did
that Kendall is fake
what ever she is super nice I don't care if she is real or not
YEAH Yeah I will keep posting stuff if you don't tell her she ugly and fat tell her or I will keep bullying her
we would never do that
okay I will keep bullying her
what did she do to u
she just too ugly
u have never seen her
yeah she Kendall
oh u jelly
and she's not ugly and fat
I think she's jelly because I think when she called her ugly and fat that's probably what she thinks of herself so she puts her anger out on Kendall