I personally think this is my best one yet! (hope one of my collages gets a feature!!)


πŸ’™βœ¨tapβœ¨πŸ’™ NDKSNJCD I LOVE HOW THIS REMAKE CAME OUTTTTTTTTT I personally think this is my best one yet! (hope one of my collages gets a feature!!)

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I agree with your caption
this is just wow 😯 πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ’™πŸ’›πŸ’™
So pretyyy
Woah this is amazing!! Definitely one of your best πŸ’™
I’m doing thoughts and opinions on my third account forevermore_dreams13 as the topic is all about contests and collaborations and I would like to hear your opinions on it
ahhhh so pretty and I love the song!🀩
ur collages defs deserve features!!! ur whole acct should be on the popular page for all u do; spreading love and kindness and ur incredible talent!!
np!!! u deserve it!
oh well the words aren’t exactly the same but it is similar to Camila Cabeos β€œcrying in the club”
Do you like other accounts that create collage inspired by other accounts
Any thoughts and reasons on collaborations and contests as you can check my third account forevermore_dreams13 where I posted a thoughts and Opinions on it and reasons why you like accounts that create collages inspired by other accounts
What’s your thoughts on collabs and contests and reasons why
hey, I know you wanted to collab awhile back, I’m free now, so you still want to? :)
this looks really cool
yeah! will do!
this is sooo pretty
also is the girl in the picture h.e.r?
heyyy im here now and my spelling will be trash bc no autocorrect so yay
heyyy im here now and my spelling will be trash bc no autocorrect so yay