Rates please! No, I didn't draw this on paper. (That's would be crazy! XD) I drew it on the app Sketchbook. Anyways good night!😊


Rates please! No, I didn't draw this on paper. (That's would be crazy! XD) I drew it on the app Sketchbook. Anyways good night!😊

25 0
better than I could ever do
that's good! I would make the colors just a tiny bit more vibrant, but not too much. but that's me, so you don't need to.
no, never mind that. it's good the way it is.
I love it
That's so awesome!!Its amazing!!
it's amazing!
Thanks everyone!😊
You did fantastic, you really have a talent!
Thanks :D
that's so cool! your a great drawer!!🤗
HOODLEWWOODLE!!! Doodle yoodleoodle knoodlew whoodlet Oodle'm soodleyoodleng?
Okay drawing on paper is hard enough for me but THIS!!!!!! This is amazing in every way. especially to be on an app
This is so good!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
okay u gotta start paying attention
^What do you mean?
😦😦😦😦😦😦😧😧😧😧😧😧how did you draw that I looks like the.real.deal.😯
Yeah....I'm back
Your drawings make me feel like poop.
💩 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩
Are u professional or what?
Dang, Girl! You've REALLY improved since I got kicked off my last account! :D You're better than me! Keep it up! ;)
That is soooooo good better then me I'll tell u that for sure