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who's your friend I was mean too
she's not my friend she posted something on my friends account
what. I don't user stand.
btw I don't cause any drama
sure whatever
what ever to u too.
really that is all u can say?!?😂😂😏
no do you want a whole paragraph
if u can give it to me go for it 😏😒
u are just a freakin person. like really who cares about a post. it's just a post and heaps of people post. and u come to me and telling me what to do. so many other people have posted this. and have u told them of. oh no of course not because u just can't be stuffed to say it to any one else. u just need to mind ur own business and go pick on someone your own size. and next time think before u post
u should take your own advice so what if I told u off bc your post was wrong just calm down
so u happy u have a paragraph now. and u started this.
I never said I am happy and I didn't start anything u the one coming back trying to act all cool but u can just walk away from this but u as ur immature self... u wouldn't
u the one who's still talking and writing the big paragraphs
and there u go again being immature now plz stop commenting on my collage
why should after u have called me all these things. now u Made me not wanna
why should I
u can't tell me I'm immature when your account name is called baby_678 or something like that the point is ur the baby. I bet your like 8 or 9 years old so get a life
sorry Baby_612
I see you have given. baby
I am 12 and u don't look 13 u look about 5 just stop alright man I told u to stop and u don't stop get a life plz