Hey guys I think I might leave😔 this is not for attention it's just I have no inspiration left and even though I work really hard on my edits I never get featured and it makes me mad/sad


Hey guys I think I might leave😔 this is not for attention it's just I have no inspiration left and even though I work really hard on my edits I never get featured and it makes me mad/sad

38 1
checkout my page I gave u a shout out and please DONT LEAVE
please don't leave!!😭😭I love your collages and you're such an amazing person!!😭💜💜
thxs but idk I'm considering it
I feel you but plZ stay
u could post shoutouts icons quotes contests u could post pretty much anything
NO DO NOT LEAVE JULIA PLEASE! I work so hard on all my edits and I NEVER. get. featured! but if I left I know a whole lot of my friends would be so sad
plz STAY!!!! i love ur collages!!!!!
please don't your account is one of the best ever!!!! you collages/edits are awesome but clearly pic collage can't see them
that they are awesome!!
pic collage needs fandom collgages to get featured like yours and we won't get the chance to express our fandoms
if you leave
thxs guys that all means a lot
NO! Please don't leave!😭You are a great friend and the PicCollage community needs you! Please stay!😭
idea: maybe you could do a really awesome collage about catching fire 🏹
ok thxs
I hope you stay❤️ I understand having no inspiration
Again with the featured thing. Listen, pic collage only features PC only ones usually💭 So trust me,many people haven't gotten featured. It's normal,don't feel bad.💕