100% inspired by @smallgreykitten! They used to be my idol when I first started pc. 

Check comments, what I’m about to say is going to take up too much space 😂


100% inspired by @smallgreykitten! They used to be my idol when I first started pc. Check comments, what I’m about to say is going to take up too much space 😂

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The sky looked really pretty last night, my grandma said that was my dog up there. I stared at it all through swimming, we did a TON of backstroke and it was d e a t h 😳 anyways, I’m done crying for Sally. She lived out a long, happy doggo life and I shouldn’t be sad that she left. She was a happy little walking sausage. I’m glad I could live with her for so long, even if it meant losing her. Aaaand that’s me mini-rant 🙃 just know that if you lose a pet, they never REALLY leave as long as you remember them. Hope I can post some more later, todays the last day of school!! Looking forward to having fun on pc over the summer 😁
Sally had a good life. She would be proud of you ❤️
Of course! ❤️❤️❤️
Awwww it’s ok! Sally must have been a gorgeous dog. I understand what it’s like to lose a pet and I’m always here if you need me. 💛
omg I’m 100% a daughter of Athena too!! lol