i rlly want to say something personal and see you guys' reactions but im scared
that you guys might not treat me that same after 

*is tryna not make it awkward*


i rlly want to say something personal and see you guys' reactions but im scared that you guys might not treat me that same after *is tryna not make it awkward*

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I would treat you the same??
say it if you want, don't say it if you don't want. it's fine either way
honestly i look at people pretty much the same all the time bc im pretty chill and neutral
I wouldn't treat you any differently
and I (try really super hard but I was taught that way) don't label people anyway so secret kink? won't judge! gay? won't judge! likes Justin Bieber? I may judge but you're still the same person!
I will always treat you the same no matter what you say. if it doesn't make you comfortable then I'm not forcing you to say. just know that I will never ever treat you differently for something you did or said.
^^^^ praise
go ahead and be as personal as you want we'll like you anyways
cuz only shïtty friends leave you after you tell them about yourself
hey, you can tell us anything! we'll support you and be here for you no matter what!
we will still be here for you!' always
we're always going to support you, no matter what