I’m so tired


I’m so tired

36 0
hello 👋
re//:goodish like I had fun but I was feeling quite dysphoric today and having my nephew call me his aunty made it worse but it’s not his fault cause I’m not out yet (my nephew is a year younger than me
re//:I cant either
ughh can’t wait to get home take off my jeans and jumper and lounge in my boxers and a top with a cup of tea and biscuits
I need to eat first then I can do whatever
question?why do u actually talk to me cause like I’m not as cool as everyone else on here I’m kinda just a weird loser
I knew it people who don’t mind talking to me would never be true why would I think you’d want to keep on talking nobody talks to me cos I’m a loser
hey u wanna talk
I love your bio
tHiS iS a tRoyE siVaN lYric oOOoooO
((btw i’m the same person as love-sapphireswirl lol
I can relate to it so much
it’s weird that I could talk more and my personal life with internet people than with my parents
^same cause they’re going through the same things
Get some sleep, friendo💙
parents don’t pay attention to our stress because we’re so young, even though we could be under ten times the pressure but they can justify their stress because they’re adults
meanwhile I get panic attacks tHINKING about finals and all I get is “you’re overreacting”
Oh! Thank you so much! :D
My day was pretty awesome. What about you?
yes they minimize our pain because apparently it’s gonna get a lot worse!!!
which just gives me more anxiety about the future
if it was my choice I would have given up too
but if I’m not an astronaut or something I’m a disappointment
I’ll be happy if I’m a garbage woman though
I’m pretty much dead inside
I get extremely happy when I make new friends too!
Oh you’re in 9th grade? I thought you were a lot older than me for some reason😂I’m a lowly 8th grader.
XD you seem cool
iTs tRuE oKaY mMmmMm