Collage by lovers-


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finally, my baby is claimed !!!
also very beautiful my fiancée
your welcomeeeee
bri hiiii!!!
hey baby, hope everything is going well, i miss you like crazy right now babe
yaya, my baby is here !!!
bri, come back on..I need you
my best friend passed away on saturday :(
its okay baby
how are you my princess ?
im good babe
I know right *smiles when you whisper that and whispers back* lets go make one then *picks you up and takes you to our room*
*smiles and walks in our room, gently tossing you on the bed, getting my self undressed as well as you*
*smiles* may i stick it in
okay babe *smiles and slides it inside of you*
*thusts and smiles at you*
*hits your g spot and c-ms*
*c-ms while thrusting*