*screaming and crying*


*screaming and crying*

4 0
We have noticed your most recent post. As we have previously stated, we will gladly take any questions or concerns you may have.
in case you haven't seen my response to what you said on our message board: trust us, we had a good run with you and enjoyed many of the moments we shared with you in the roleplay. However, you've been so absent, don't roleplay with us even when we invite you to (which has happened oh so many times, I've lost track) and you've even brought up your desire to leave the house on several occasions. consider your wish granted. there's no reason for you to act so childishly in response to the house's decision. what's done is done. move on.
hey, it's rookie. we held one last vote. I handled everything, so you don't need to worry about any skewed results or pressure or anything like that, ok? these are the honest votes. 3 of the people, including me, who were in the last vote did not vote this time around because we wished to not be involved in the decision anymore. out of the people who did vote, though, 1 person said you should stay and 4 said you should go. sorry, but this is what it came down to, if want to say anything else before your departure, whether to all of us as a group or One last thing to each person individually, we'll be on covet. you've got until 8 AM PST if you'd like to say something there. once 8 am PST comes by, I'll have to dismiss you. Thanks, Mandy.