For @Kagamine_Len_02's Contest! Chitanda x Oreki💕


For @Kagamine_Len_02's Contest! Chitanda x Oreki💕

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Pinoyy-chan! Im sure your knew about my old situation with Le Crush...xD SU I JUST WANTED TO SAY! Everything is awesome and he talks to me a lot! HehL Idk Why I just felt like telling you! :)) ORENO HAS FINAALLY STARTED TO KINDA SAIL❤️😂
Oreo-chan! That's amazing!! I've been waiting for this moment for suu long! You must tell meh everything!! All aboard the ORENO SHIP!!❤️❤️
Kyahh~! Yeah Its awesome! So A lot of things happened on the first week xD So He has an Iphone 6 ._. And those things ARE GIGANTIC and he comes to my desk and he's like "Lets compare!" And My ipod was so small compared to his😂😂 And then His locker is like 2 away from mine..And Before we left today since my friend was anniying him he put my in my locker😑😂 Heh Lol! And He Is always asking me for help in math..French and All subjects!
^^Sorry Lol My grammar sucked there😂😂
ANNNDDD! He's always glancing..Well Im always glancing at him xD He grew up a lot from the past 2 years..His voice got deeper..And he is a liiittllleeee but taller than me! BUT He's still the same idiot and the class clown❤️😋☺️✨💕
OH IM SORRY IF IM ANNOYING YOU!! I do this to so many people Its not funny😭😭 Sorry If I was ranting on too much...>^<
OREO-CHAN!! THIS MUST BE MADE INTO AN ANIME OR MANGA!!! I would love it suuu much! I can see it now The Adventures of Oreno😂. And not at all I love hearing how people's lives are going. Oreno is doing so much better than me and my crush>.<
Ahhh! TELL MEE!! *Takes out notepad and pen and sits and looks at you* I WANNA HALPl😋✨💕
Hehe! It's not as interesting as your story but he's only in one of my classes this year so I dont get to see him as much, but he's also the class clown. I just feel like he's out of my reach😔
Ahhh No Pinoy-chan! He is NOT Out of your reach! Believe me Ive thought plenty of times that Im not pretty enough for him! But If he's that type of guy than forget it! Chu is so freakin kawaii and perfect❤️💖 Ahh He's in my homeroom so I see him...The whole day >\\<
Mabye he is just shy ^\\^
IM SURE HE LIKES YOU💕✨☺️ If he passes on a girl like you then...He musnt be a very good Oreki-san...
*sniffles* Thank chu Oreo-chan! I feel better now. I have a tiny bit of hope left and I'm gonna hang on to it for dear life! And if it's not him then I'll just have to find myself another Oreki-kun.😌 And same goes for chu too never ever loose hope Oreo-chan! I believe Oreno will become canon!💕✨👌
And the year just started so I shouldn't give up just yet! YOOSH! I feel great now!😆
Ahh Yosh! I felt like that last year...and look at us now! Heh! A lot of things can happen and bring you to closer! Have hope! And dont change who you are for anybody! Senpai will notice you❤️✨☺️😋
*Nods and hugs* You helped me a lot with Oreno! If you ever want to talk! Im alllwaaays here!🐼❤️✨