Chat page for me and Mariah only 
No peeking


Chat page for me and Mariah only No peeking

12 1
what’s ur crush’s name
if it makes u feel any better I could tell u about my previous crush
ok 😊
well I told my friend I liked him (btw his name is gage) and then she told him. also my friend’s name is faith. so after faith told gage that I liked him she told me he blushed and I was happy bc I thought gage liked me.
but after a day he started ignoring me by not talking to me even tho our lockers are literally 1 away from each other
so later that afternoon gage told faith that I was a brat and a idiot and it hurt me really badly even tho those names aren’t the worst to b called it still hurt since I’ve been through a lot in the past year
that’s how my other crush is with his name is jay
so it hurt me but I was also mad at him, btw this happened in October anyways still to this day we r not on speaking terms
I can’t deal with life and I’m crying still
oh I feel so bad for u
just have to make one thing clear. when we get into fights we always have to come back to each other. just promise me that plz it will make me feel a whole lot better
I promise
I love 💗 u
well I’m gonna go to bed I’ll talk to tmrw. gn and love u ❤️
gn love u a lot
love u most and for real this time gn ❤️
what’s wrong
nothing just bored
same brb
I’m back
I gotta go
this guy asked me out not the guy I wanted what should I say
what should I say
idk I’ve never been in a situation like this
idk either but what should I do I can barley breathe but I can’t help falling in love with Dylan
r u mad at me
just my parents favoring my little sister and I’m just sick of it!
oh same here
she gets what she wants all the time and it makes me angry
and this morning my mom got mad at me for a stupid reason and blamed it all on me and just let me cry when she saw that i was. And it was all my sisters fault and my sister was crying but my mom comforted her I mean WHAT KIND OF MOTHER DOES THAT
so I’ve been depressed all day. I have depression but it didn’t really...IDK the word but I was fine with my depression until this morning. I was fine with depression because it started fading away with u being my friend and my other friends helping me through tough times
well I’m here for u no matter what promise
k thx ur the best❤️
so wyd
sitting on my bed talking to u
oh lol
well I’m supposed to be studying but I don’t want to
oh same but I forgot all my stuff at school
oh I use quizlet
what’s wrong 🙁
everything 😭 I’m bout to cry
plz don’t bc if u cry I’ll cry 😢
and my friend asked out my crush for me and he said I don’t like her that way. I only like her as a friend. SERIOUSLY
omg I feel so bad for u but I gtg take a shower I’ll b back❤️ luv u
k talk soon 😘
I’m crying 😭
aww why plz stop ur gonna make me cry 😭
I can’t help it
just talk to me and I’ll try to cheer u up
so... what’s going on
just tell me one thing that’s wrong
my crush
and my bff
what about ur crush what is doing to make my bff cry
same with ur bff
so my crush said I don’t like you in that way I like u as a friend. and my friend wants to date him again.
oh he might eventually start to like u but idk boys are overrated anyways well my mom told me I have g o to bed but I will talk to u in the morning
I love u o the moon and back gn ❤️
luv u to enfinity and beyond p.s. check my page if u can
good morning beautiful
hi guess what..!!!
goooood morning
morning beautiful
I’m so mad
yea I know why
yea he is
hi 😕😕😕😕
hi what’s wrong
well I gtg I won’t be able to talk until tomorrow afternoon unless my mom gives me my phone back
luv ya ❤️
yay text me when u get it back
luv ya more ♥️❤️
what’s wrong
bestie do u hate me
I’m so mad
my parents
what are they doing
I got my electronics taken away earlier for no reason
oh well it’s a good thing ur talking to me bc I started to feel real lonely even tho my dad and sister are here
and I don’t like being lonely bc then I get depressed
oh lol
wyd right now
so wyd
laying in bed and listening to music
I’m talking to u and watching twilight
oh lol
I’m in love 😍
with who?
jay Stevens
oh I like his name
I’ve been talking to him for a while today
lol he’s so cute
oh that cool I wish I had the nerves like u to b able to talk to my crush all day
I wish u were her with me
awe same 😭😭😭
aw did I make u cry
I’m so lonely
brb gotta use the bathroom
I’m back. guess what I found
it’s sour though
yea but that’s fine
oh well I’m gonna go to bed I’ll talk to. u in the morning love you ❤️
nooooo pls don’t
sorry I’m really tired I’m about to fall asleep right now
oh it’s 11:00 p.m. by me rn
ya it’s 10 rn by me but last night I was up until 1 in the morning
but gn 😕😕
oh wow
last night I got scared by one of my dreams 😭😭😭😭
k gn love u❤️I’ll talk to u in the morning
oh gn
I’ll tell u it tomorrow
what’s wrong
my finger hurts and I’m such a dumb blonde
ur not dumb ur smarter than I am
no I’m bitmap
yes u are
I’ll show u my grades
hatching the rest of twilight because I paused it for the night
oh lol
hi 👋🏻
can u make us a new chat page cuz I have to scroll all the way down
pls pls