Note: opinions? Sorry I didn't have time to post yesterday. Thanks for all the support :)


Note: opinions? Sorry I didn't have time to post yesterday. Thanks for all the support :)

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Also, girls have it so much worse off than boys yet we rarely get any credit for it! I'm not saying all men are like this, course I'm not, but it's really not fair at all. Especially tampons being classed as "luxury items" I wouldn't use them if I didn't have to!!
This is really true, is so hard to be a woman nowadays, as it always have been. As always thanks for your opinion :)
No problem!:)
I hate how these gender roles can hurt badly. this one DJ I listen to was drugged and râpéd at a party, and no one believed him because he's male. and some people actually think it was the other way around, the girl the victim. your opinion is true, women are still mistreated, like apparently "like a girl" is a rude comment. I believe that women are better than men in some ways, and men are better than women in others.
Thasts really sad to hear... this happens because in most cases is the others way round considering that males are physically stronger. And what you are saying is true each gender has some strong qualities that the other doesn't have.
Thanks for giving me your opinion and for sharing your anecdote, and what you did was the right thing...
I am happy you like it! and I have exams this week but I'll try my best to post more.
You can always share it with us if you want.
I'm a proud feminist💭👍🏻
Feminists power✌️💖
That's horrible! sports have no gender!
I personally hate them too, gender doesn't represent what you can do or wear.
This is 100% true. Sexism is awful, and we need to end discrimination for both men, women, and unspecified people. Both genders are EQUAL, women are not better than men vice versa, and yet people are still not given basic human rights because of their gender. I'm an extremely proud feminist.💁👌
Everyone has the same rights so why, as a man, take these rights away from a woman to give yourself pleasure and entertainment. In my opinion, This causes war, jealousy and in my opinion equality in many aspects could result into wars being ended
yes I agree 1000%. 2 girls at my school wanted to play basketball with the guys and the teachers (both male) said no. then the teachers said to go to the principle and ask if they could play and then the girls would have to get a permission slip signed by their parents saying that they could play bball w/ the guys. it's just sad that people treat women/girls like that😭😭😢😢😔
I agree completely!! Sexism is terrible and an old fashioned way of thinking. it's sad that people still think that both genders can't like/do/appreciate the same things.
All genders are equal. What angers me about it is that it isn't something that should be big, or should have to be said. We should just know. It's common sense, in my honest opinion.
yes, I agree all genders are equal....yes, sometimes men might be considered as the head of the family, as in to do the big jobs and work (I don't mean a job as In for money) but you know what I mean, but women are the heart of the family, they take on all the emotional strength and pain, children, time all that....the men wouldn't make make big decisions without the wife's agreement and so on, they are both equal, they just have different strengths and qualities but you need both to have a strong home
I agree. women have their own social personalitys and men do too. but god all made us for a reason and we're all similar in some ways. we have lots of things to do in life and we all have different things to say. women can play football like men can. men can play dance like woman can. our society judges us because girls play lost of gymnastics, well lots of girls don't, such as me that plays baseball on a boys team. so I don't BELIVE it's fair to group us based on what we do. group us on our thoughts and not what we look like. preach🙏
So true!