ArianaGrandeAndMe's icon!


ArianaGrandeAndMe's icon!

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Its np. I'm gonna be completely honest there are not a lot of Muslim ppl that I see. I have a friend housed who is from Jordan and he is the first person that I have ever met that actually is. But tbh its cool to have friends of different races and religions.
I think that it like shows that your not judgemental. I mean we are all human right?
i wouldn't be using it if I didn't 😂
Ok! i just followed her.
Oh. well it gave me something to do
my thoughts exactly lol
we can still talk but if I don't respond it's cuz I'm going to school. we could talk when I get there and I will try to tell u I gtg but if I don't and I don't respond back that's why.
i am we can still talk for rn.
i mean**
btw luv 😍your icon!!!
we can still talk but if don't respond it cuz I'm going to school we could talk