Secret chat of below


Secret chat of below

5 4
so what's up (at school or at home whichever)
I had pacer tests in gym today and I totally failed I only got a 35πŸ˜…πŸ˜’I could have done so much better
I got 63
how are you
good but you totally showed me up I was goi h and going trying to beat 45 but I was like I'm really tired then the coach yelled faster and I'm like no thx b****( I didn't actually say that but I thought it)
nice I had a whole bunch of friken kids yelling at me for like two whole laps
my friend got 90
I did the push ups and sit ups test today i did 50 push ups in 1 minute and 28 sit ups in 1 minute
ok I did so bAd I'm not going to tell you lest just say we were very far apart
I was timed for 45 seconds but I only got 3 pull-ups but those were not timed
yes but I play traveling soccer do you play any sports
I play tennis and I used to do cross country but I don't anymore
is freshkix going to join?
this is going to sound so dumb but are MN and NH in the same time zone?
never mind I looked it up and it's not so my plan failedπŸ˜…πŸ˜’
hey how are you
my name is not Ryan
I am a girl and I'm not giving out my name but it's defiantly not Ryan
are you mad at me
so what's been happening lately anything big what's it like in NH its cold here in Minnesota
it was 54 today it's the warmest it's been all winter and there is no snow but last year we had like 4 ft of snow and it just kept piling up
no I'm not mad at you the text just sounded that way
four feet of snow that's in sane
I'be known him for like a mouth
Ikr 4 ft is almost as tall as I am ( I'm "5,2"
hey I am 4,11 how are you
hey so what's going on anything big ?
hey pineapple what go's on
sorry I didn't answer I have been really busy we just get a huge snow storm and school was can canceled
sorry I didn't answer I've been busy
hey how you been
hey so this one stalker chic claimes she is you and she said something about me and my friend and it was really
and it was really inappropriate and I think she is a stalker
ok their is only 2 accounts that are me and it's this one and Pineapple75
what is her user name I want to check it out
the stalker person is following you I would block her
hey anything big going on
not really what about you
nothing besides this friken insane stalker
hey fudge you blocked the person nice job
yes I did
it is so freaky I thought it was just gross, did any of you 2 look at that account? if you didn't I recommend never looking at in during the corse of your life!!!!!!πŸ˜…
it was nasty because I had to block herπŸ˜…πŸ˜…
Tristan told me about this
hey fudge i am going to delete my account But i will try to download pc on my phone byπŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯
we are going to delete pic at our school right now 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
that's awful
I won't be on for at least 1 month 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
you should go on private
this is swagkitty for fudge
for the like if no one likes you I know someone who does
I found pic online
My brother is letting me use his phone so I will be on tonight
hello sorry I was not on
I was at school and I had HW and I lost my phone then I found it on my shoe( this is the same person but I am on pineapple today)
I will be on all night untill 8:00 eastern time so feel free to chat
this is pineapple on fudge account( sorry is confusing)
I made a random so if you want to chat than comment chat on my random than I will come here
I went to your page and it said I didn't have access to it
but we can just talk here
I remixed a picture so you could see
I think I fixed it
Happy Valentine's Day
you to😘( in a friend way) sorry I'm two days late
it still says the Oops! thing
try again i think i fixed it
why don't we just email it will be so much easier because I can't use pic that much
it's all fixed
I don't really want to give you my email I don't know who else would get it
do you have snap chat?
that could work but I am not going to show my face but we can still text on that. I have not really been on pic collage that much but j will check fudge ever day so I think we should just stay on pic collage
yes I have a snap but my ghost is my face
mine is my baby cousins stuffed animal
also I don't have my own phone so I can't use snap
lest a just stay on pic collage it's a lot less complicated
we can use snap
my snap is tacotiago_101
sorry I haven't been on fudge lately
I have had tons of stuff going on at school I had 2 concerts last week and I have 1 more next week so I haven't been of pic collage a ton
anything cool happening with you...
it's my birthday today πŸ˜œπŸ˜œπŸ˜œπŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
happy b-day
add me on snap
thx I can't find you on snap
I will try again