Wouldn't you do anything for this face😛


Wouldn't you do anything for this face😛

14 1
your welcome
can I ask you a question
it's stupid but I have to tell u something
do I have a girlfriend
u or me have a girlfriend
well my friend she is s cute I want u do be her boyfriend
u want me to be your friends boyfriend
she is gorgeous
And I think u now her
so what do u say
and post a cute picture of u because she is going to see it okay
do u want a girlfriend
please say yes because she is so cute and pretty and beautiful girl and nice
what do u say
I say yes
okay are u ready to see her
okay then
go to crazydancefan page
don't say she is ugly
do u like her
she's pretty
I like her
I have to do it tomorrow cuz I don't look good right now
yeah she hasn't answered
does she know I'm her boyfriend
I want to keep the stuff on I like it better
I'm so sorry I didn't know she was going to do that
I sorry
I knew she would do that so I don't really care don't be sorry
okay goodnight
hey are u stilly mad at me
no I was never mad
what is that it's sooooo cute