What do you think of this one? I'm actually proud of it πŸ˜‹ comment ur fav Disney princess!


What do you think of this one? I'm actually proud of it πŸ˜‹ comment ur fav Disney princess!

77 0
rapunzel or Ariel πŸ’πŸΌπŸ πŸ‘‘
I LOVE ARIEL!!! my favourites are ARIEL and BELLE
That is so cool! What apps do you use?
I used phonto and picsart!
OMG I USE THOSE SAME APPS!!! And my fave is Rapunzel
Elsa 😘
YOU won 2end place in my contest btw thank you ssoooooo much you entered I LOVE your acc
wow this is amazing? how did you put the up picture in the Disney castle? it's so cool! I love it😍