I'm small.


I'm small.

24 0
same I'm only 4'10
I'm 5'4
5 foot x3
I've been stuck at 5'4 for about two years
I know, Princess xp
my mom and dad are like 6'4
Lol, Kate, Ilysssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssfm.
Lol Keely, Ilysssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssfm
I'm blushingπŸ˜Šβ€οΈπŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œ
How was your day?
Can I get some more hints on how you're gonna propose to me πŸ˜˜β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈπŸ’πŸ‘°
My day is good
I'll think of some ;)
I couldn't stop thinking of you.
Same here
The thoughts were way more than usual though.
Ly, Princess.
Ly2, WifeπŸ˜˜β€οΈπŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œ
Here's some flowers for you Keely πŸ’
Aw, Kate :3 🍫Here's chocolate x3
How do you like my new post? do
it's amazing ❀️
You're more amazing though😊
Aw :3
:3 <3
:3 <3
It's gonna hurt next week :/
Yea *Tears up*
Don't cry though <3
Ok *Wipes tears and kisses you*
*Smiles* We'll get through it :)
*Smiles* Yes we will
How about we get a dog when we're older?
Yes 🐢
Cool ^_^
What kind of dog though
Idk yet. You can decide if you want.
Should we get a German Shepard
Yeah <3
Rawr I love you
☺️ Ily2, Kate. Ilysfm.
Keely, Ilysfm2
*Holds you close* Keely
*Smiles* Kate.
*Licks and smiles*
*Kisses back*
So. Wanna talk about anything in particular?
*Wraps my arms around your waist and French kisses you* It's been awhile since we French kissed
It has.
Then let's French kiss
*Smiles. French kisses*
*Smiles and French kisses*
We should French kiss when we become wife and wife
Yeah, we should <3
I seemed to have gained weight.
Same here, but I'm gonna lose some by eating once a day
I'm always gaining weight and then losing it by not eat that much
My mom wants to take me to a therapist
Yeah, Kate. I eat once a day too. Why does she want you to see a therapist?
She does that every year
She does that cause she wants me to talk about my dad and school problems
I really don't like going cause they always end up asking me about my dad *Tears up*
*Hugs* Kate, they're only trying to help.
*Hugs and tears up more* I know, but i don't trust them, I don't even know them
I remember last year a therapist ask me a lot of questions about my dad I ended up walking out the room cause it was too overwhelming *Tears up*
Okay, Princess, just tell your mum about how you feel then.
I already to did, but she's still go have me go to one
she told me that I might be going to one over the spring break *Looks down as a tear falls down*
*going to
Princess, don't cry. Just don't talk to them. Ilysfm.
I wish you could come with me *Tears start falling down*
I do, Princess :c
If you could come with me, would you do it
Of course I would.
*Hugs and cries*
*Hugs tightly*
Kate, don't go.
My mom will make me go *Cries*
Don't speak to them. Kate, stop crying. It hurts me :c
Ok *Wipes tears away and rests my head on your lap*
*Plays with your hair*
*Smiles at you*
You're so fxcking beautiful.
You're so fxcking sexy
*Smiles. Lifts you*
*Wraps my legs around you*
*Smiles. Kisses*
*Smiles and kisses back*
*Walks into bedroom*
*Kisses back*
*Puts you onto bed*
*Kisses back*
Ily, ily, ily, ily, ily.
Ily2, ily2, ily2, ily2, ily2
Have you thought of anyone hints
It's gonna be obvious if I tell you them.
three or four more
Yeah, but it's gonna be obvious.
I kinda know where
I think it's gonna be at Hot Topic cause I'm always asking my mom just to take me there
It would be cool if you could play a sexual song while you propose to me
*Laughs* You got it right.
*Kisses back*
We should invite a few people to our wedding, that's only if you want it that way
Yeah, I'd love that.
Who do you want to invite?
Thorn, Ava, Grim, and whoever wants to come
Aww :3
Can you give me a lap dance
Ilysm, Kate.
Ilysm2, Keely
Can you give me a lap dance *Smiles and sits in a hair*
*Kisses* Yes.
*Kisses back*
*Starts to dance*
*Holds your hips as you give me a lap dance*
*Smiles and moans*
*Looks at you*
*Looks at you* Hot
*Sits on you*
*Smiles and moans*
*Kisses back*
*Looks at you*
*Grabs your Γ£Ε‘Ε‘, winks and squeezes*
*Moans a little*
*Rubs in between your legs*
*Looks at you*
*Kisses back*
Keely, the work our teacher gave us is nearly impossible πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Oh, I'm sorry x3 Ask for help <3
it's kinda funny though cause everyone is mad at the teacher
Lol ^_^
Kate, I have a question.
Can you stay late tonight or tomorrow?
I'm going to my grandmas house on Sunday so I might be on
Ooh, I hope so.
Me too
So you can't stay late?
I'll try
Okay. Ty.
Ava wants you to wear a rainbow dress to our wedding
Oh, wow. Maybe :)
You still want it at a beach?
Only if you want it to be there
Yeah, sure.
Should we practice how the propose is gonna be like and our wedding day
Another time <3
What are we gonna do if it start raining during the wedding
We'll check the weather and plan the destination based on the weather.
If there's gonna be bad weather, where should the wedding be
And what would do if there's a thunder storm at night and you notice that I'm scared
Idk, Princess. I can't think of it.
Aw, Princess, I'd hug you.
I'd hug you too
You're PERFECT β™‘ β™‘ β™‘
Keely, can you suck on my bΓ΅obs while we finger each other
We're both PERFECTβ€οΈπŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œ
x3 <3 <3
x3 <3 <3
*Undresses us*
*Kisses back*
*Arches back*
*Smiles. Kisses your breasts*
*Moans softly*
*Kisses more*
*Moans louder*
*Smiles* They're so so beautiful.
*Yours are so sexy and perfect*
*Falls asleep in your arms*
*Smiles. Kisses*
*It starts storming outside*
*Lays you down. Plays with them*
*You feel that I'm getting scared*
*Wakes up*
*Looks at you*
*Looks at you, a loud thunder comes, so I hide under the covers*
*Goes underneath with you*
*Stays under the covers and covers my ears cause of the thunder*
*Comes closer to you*
Ily, Kate.
Ily2, Keely
*Wraps legs around you*
*Smiles and moans*
*Kisses back*
(Can continue the Rp that's on my page before I go home)
(*can we)
(Alright. Where?)
*Looks at you*
(We're in the class cause school was over*
*Looks at you*
Can you drive me to your place for some fun
or a movie
(Wait, are we doing it here?)
(let's do it on my page)
Can we moan in each other's ears *Winks*
*Moans in your ear softly*
*Moans a little louder*
*Kisses back and licks*
Ily, ily, ily.
Ily2, ily2, ily2
See my newest post, I really want the BVB band members to sing my song that I'm writing
I can't read it, Princess.
Should I type it
Yes please.
Can I do it tomorrow, my teacher is being rude
Of course.
What is your teacher saying?
What's your teacher doing?
I really don't talk about it right now. Let's talk about it tomorrow
*don't wanna
That's okay <3
You're perfect.
you too
Can you make a post about how we met and how our future is gonna look like when we're living together
Yes. You'll see it tomorrow. I'll post it when I finished talking with you and you have to go home <3
gtg, brb tomorrow
Forever <3
Forever β€οΈπŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œ
Talk tomorrow, gorgeous <3
see my newest post, I looked up some pics of BMO off of Adventure Time
Sweetie <3
Wife <3
Mine forever 😍
Forever and ever πŸ‘°β€οΈπŸ‘°
then πŸ‘°β€οΈπŸ‘°
Yes. Then πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§
Then πŸ‘©πŸ‘©πŸ‘§πŸΆ
Yes!!!!!!!!! <3
x3 <3
<3 😍
* Holds you in my arms* Should we watch TV, watch a movie, or play video games.
Your choice <3
Let's play some video game
*Turns on the Xbox 360*
What game?
*Smiles* Cool.
*Hands you a video game controller *
*Takes it*
*Get mine and starts the game* Should we steal someone's car or start shooting random people
Steal a car.
*Gets a AK 47 and points it at a car, and the person gets out*
*Kisses back*
*Ill get in passengers seat so I can shoot anyone that comes after us*
*Gets in drivers seat*
*Gets in passenger seat*
*Break the window next to me and points the gun out*
*Cops start driving behind us* Keely, should I shoot
*Smiles* Yeah.
*Starts shooting at the cops cars*
*Keeps driving*
*My Keeps shoot, one bullet hits a cops head and he dies in the, the car crash into a gas tank and it blows up into flams*
*Puts controller down*
*Smiles at you*
*Smiles back*
*Smiles and blushes*
*Kisses back* Lets have Ε‘ex instead of playing video game
*Smiles and fully undresses*
*Lays on the bed*
*Smiles. Lies too*
*Holds you*
*Holds you closer and wraps my legs around* How extreme should our Ε‘ex be
*around you
*Smiles* Can we get the strap on?
*Smiles* Yes
*Kisses back* Keely Ilysssssssssfm
*Smiles* Have me more please
Turn me on also
*Goes to get strap on*
*Smiles and spreads my legs*
*Wears it. Smiles*
I'm ready
*Quickly shoves it in*
*Moans. Humps with it*
*Moans louder and smiles*
More please
*Moans louder and smiles*
*Keeps moaning*
*Harder* Ily.
*Moans even louder* Ily2
*Kisses back*
Was good.
You're so fxcking beautiful.
You're so fxcking sexy
*Kisses back*
I'm cold *Shivers*
*Puts duvet over us*
*Cuddles with you* Can we take a warm shower together
*Smiles* I'd love to.
*Smiles* Then let's go
Alright. *Gets up*
*Stands and holds your hand*
*Smiles. Lifts you*
*Smiles and kisses you*
*Smiles. Walks into bathroom*
*Kisses. Puts you down*
*Kisses back*
*Starts shower*
*Smiles and gets in with you*
I made a post for youβ€οΈπŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œ
Ik :)
I love it.
Thanks :)
Put your hand on my chest where my heart and tell me what you feel
*Puts hand over your heart*
You going to math now?
but class hasn't started yet
Ttyl then.
Oh okay.
We can still talk
Can we talk more about our wedding and honeymoon
let's talk about it after my math class
Yes <3
I'm back
I really don't wanna do the work that my math teacher is giving us
Let's talk about our wedding and honeymoon
Ily, Kate.
Do you really want to go to Paris?
Only if you want to
Can we continue the Rp on my page and talk about the wedding/honeymoon on your page
Rp another time.
When, I only got one more class left
We'll rp when you get back.
That's in a week
I might be able to get on at my grandmas house but idk, I'll try
Okay, Princess :/
We don't have to, I'm sorry that I Rp a lot :(
Don't apologise.
R u mad at me for asking *Tears up*
*Kisses* Of course not.
*Kisses back* Ily
Should continue the Rp or do u wanna continue it
I don't wanna.
I guess I'll start then
but first I wanna ask you a question
Kate, I don't want to rp.
What's the question?
On a scale to 1-10 how much do u wanna marry me
Can you hold me, I had a terrible day at school *Tears up*
*Holds you close*
Kate, Princess. Don't cry.
I'll try but I'm overwhelmed by some stuff that happened at school *Tries to stop crying*
Do you wanna talk about it?
This buy wouldn't leave me alone as I walking to the restroom *Tears up*
Kate, he's just dΓ»mb.
*Tears up*
He looks at my breasts and bΓ»tt *Tears up*
Kate, I would fxcking kill him.
*Cries* It's been happening since last year
Kate, you need to tell one of the teachers.
Do it, Kate <3
It's his last year in school plus cops are gonna be asking me a lot of questions *Cries*
The boy is gonna be pΓ­Ε‘sed at me *Cries*
Kate, get him into trouble.
I wish you went to the same school as me *Cries*
I do. He'd be dead, I promise.
*Hugs and cries*
*Kisses back*
Tell me when it happens again.
Ok, I promise *Wipes tears and calms down*
*Lays my head down on your lap*
*Smiles at you*
*Smiles back* Keely
Kate <3
*Looks at my breasts and then at you* Can you...
*Sits you up*
*Smiles. Undresses*
Keely, I'm excited to become your wife when you come to Texas
I am, Kate 😘
Lets adopt a teenage and buy us a dog
We'll have a family together
You, me, our daughter, and dog
*Kisses back*
Kate, yes! ^_^ <3
*Holds you* Imagine about how beyond sexual our Ε‘ex is gonna be when me and you are in the bedroom and shower together
Where els in the house should we have Ε‘ex at
Wherever you want it.
We got our bedroom, shower, we should have a hot tub
Yeah, cool.
Should we have a theme at our wedding
I wonder if the BVB band members could play some music at our wedding
Lol. Aw.
I should ask them if I go backstage after the concert
Aw, Princess, idk if they would.
It would be cool if they did though
Yeah, it would.
Before spring break, can we take our Ε‘ex to the very next level
Our room/bed is gonna be messed up when we're living together :)
Before? We don't have much time.
Lol, yeah, it will.
it's only 2:56
It is gonna be hard to watch TV or a movie cause we have a beyond very sexual relationship
Lol, yeah.
Kate, you can do whatever you want to me.
Keely, you can do whatever you want to me also
My body belongs to you only
<3 <3
*Undresses us*
*Smiles and holds you close* Keely
*Leans in for a French kiss*
*French kisses* Ilysm.
French kisses back* Ilysm2