Results info, plz tap!!πŸ’•πŸ’•
More about the winners in comments, about prizes and more! Hope you guys enjoyed this!! Should I do more of these, and how often?!


Results info, plz tap!!πŸ’•πŸ’• More about the winners in comments, about prizes and more! Hope you guys enjoyed this!! Should I do more of these, and how often?!

46 1
@thepurpleturtle- 1st place- I absolutely loved this collage as its quote make it stand out, and I love the background pic, you can tell hard work was gone into this!!
@CACTiCACTUS-2nd place- I love this edit, it just stood out as I was scrolling down the page, of all the entries, I just fell in love!!
@_artist_-3rd place- everything in this collage matches and the colours, text and pictures go so well with each other, it looks amazing!!
@OUTLANDiSH-4th place- I simply love this collage, it all matches together and I just love it so much, you just had to be praised!!
@VioletCrumbles-5th place- I love this collage as the theme of black and white suits this collage, I love the fonts that you've used and its not too over complex, but simple, and that's why I like it!!
PRIZES: all these five winners will be rewarded with, a follow, ten likes, a vote for feature(first place), and a collab if wanted!!Be proud, you guys did so well!!β˜ΊοΈπŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ’•πŸ’•β€οΈ
I'll do the pic(and designs
if that's ok
Now works fine! Do you want me to find the pic?
thxsm!! 😜 ok, rn I'm working on another collab so maybe when I finish that one we could collab!! I can do it now, whenever you want really πŸ˜‹
Cool! Right now is okay for a collab, want me to start?
sorry I can't start doing it until tomorrow, because I'm grounded
omg thank you!!
I will let you know if I use it, I save all icons and always use them at some point😊
will do, doing quite a few at the mo but will let you know when I'm less busyπŸ’—
thanks for the likes!!!
the pic I remixed is the pic for our collab
yeah I like the first one best
hey if you want to do the collab this week I'm now sought a free! got 4 out of the way!
is it ok if I find a quote and image and then you make it?
sorry wrong thing, I meant I find the quote, show it to you and then you find an image to go with it. After that one of us does the writing and the other does decoration(with punctuation)
are you working on our collab?????
is this one ok? 'A meaningful silence is better than meaningless words'
thanks, so if you just look for an image no we can then put it together
could I start?
I'll have to do it tomoz though
hey really sorry I haven't started been really busy, I'll try to do it in the next couple of days!
yh sure!
yeah sure!