For my babe Noel ❤️💰

Varfily Konneh

For my babe Noel ❤️💰

5 2
ily 💕
wassup with you babe 😍
Hey bb I know that you going to be mad when I ask you this question. Did you have sx before?
I've had a lot of problems in my life... yes I have
I was sexually assaulted by a boyfriend I had two years ago
but I never have had it besides that
Did he force you? or u agree with it ?
forced me
I've never agreed to it
I hate when that happens to girls 😭
🙏 will you marry me
haha your cute
maybe in a few years when we've met in person
I love you ❤️😘💕
sent me love pic pls
love pic
what do u mean
Ur bb is sick this is his brother, Right now he's in the hospital .
is he ok???
I'm in the hospital too. ppl say I should eat but what's the point
Hey Is me bb
what's the point of living
I wish I was dead
I have no purpose
What are saying bb
what u mean come on bb pls pls talk to me 😪😴
I want to die
I want to go to heaven and stop hurting
I want to be with my brother
Bb stop making me cry 😭
I told you that I'm here for you, and I will always be there for u, I love u bb stop thinking about those stuff 👊🏻
you're the only reason I'm still alive
I know I want come over so give me your address pls
right now I'm in the hospital
something wrong with my stomach
bc I haven't eaten a lot my stomach won't digest food anymore
so I have to be fed by tubes
What wrong with ur stomach ?
it won't digest food
Srry bb
I hope ur stomach hurting doesn't end up with baby
ily 😘😘
ily too 🤔😍