A school bus full of kids :))))))


Tap A school bus full of kids :))))))

12 0
j a m o
@caption, ha ha 😂
and also
will it UpSeT me?
j a m o
tHat’S wHat i’M tRyiNg tO FigUrE oUt. 😤
Lol I mean true
j a m o 😭😭😭
ughh 😂 now I’m gonna have to ask Kat.. my last resort :(
j a m o
j a m o
j a m o
now I need more info 😭
I’ve spent half an hour trying to figure out what you, Kat, and Brooke, can’t tell me about the time skip. 😂 nothing is clicking.
j a m o 😭
j a m o
y’all are on my last nerve
stop that ain’t funny thoooo
btw she was murdered and drowned at phs by carmina and everyone forgot about her
big bird-