5/5 ocean and ships themeπŸŒŠβ›΄ (click)
School started today. It wasn't too bad. Just a lot of supplies we had to buy but not use πŸ˜’ The teachers are alright and I have some friends in most classes. πŸ™‚


5/5 ocean and ships themeπŸŒŠβ›΄ (click) School started today. It wasn't too bad. Just a lot of supplies we had to buy but not use πŸ˜’ The teachers are alright and I have some friends in most classes. πŸ™‚

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I'm PandaAngel34 and you can choose to unfollow this account. I forgot the password to this account so I need to remake one.😭 Sorry! (you don't have to unfollow it you don't want to)
well I guess I've been doing a theme then! AND THE CAB IS PLAYING ON SPOTIFY!!! 🎢🎢 WHY DONT LOCK ME UP WITH JOY AND KISSES?!🎢🎢