⭐️- Don't tap!! -⭐️
You're rebel, I like this.😏
Collab with the amazing Horzelovr_Lightwood!!❀️
She did the beautiful background and I did the typing! Hope you like it guys!😘
QOTD - Right or left hand?
AOTD - Left!βœ‹πŸ»
And you?


⭐️- Don't tap!! -⭐️ You're rebel, I like this.😏 Collab with the amazing Horzelovr_Lightwood!!❀️ She did the beautiful background and I did the typing! Hope you like it guys!😘 QOTD - Right or left hand? AOTD - Left!βœ‹πŸ» And you?

58 0
lovin itβ€οΈπŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œ
AOTD: Right ❀️
Hi! Nothing except for school! U?
Thankyou ☺️. Oh awesome, got any cool summer plans?
That sounds like fun, I love camping. My friends and I are going on a grad trip out at a lake for a few days :)