Despite the lighthearted drawing of a kawaii Mei Mei mermaid, I have bad news. My internet & iPad is going to be taken away tomorrow and I won't be able to post for.. I don't even know how long. I might not even be able to return. Thanks


Mer Mei! IITAPII Despite the lighthearted drawing of a kawaii Mei Mei mermaid, I have bad news. My internet & iPad is going to be taken away tomorrow and I won't be able to post for.. I don't even know how long. I might not even be able to return. Thanks

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(continued): Thanks for the memories and I promise I will be back as soon as I can.
why though?
This maaaaaay or not be the schools iPad 😅
noooooooooooooo Come backkkkk Ima missssss youuuuu