I guess I figured out why I don't have friends! Probs bc I can't stop talking about depression they don't talk to me for it // anyway TODAYS THE BIG DAY I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS


I guess I figured out why I don't have friends! Probs bc I can't stop talking about depression they don't talk to me for it // anyway TODAYS THE BIG DAY I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS

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I hope u feel better soon 😰💕 also,I hope u have fun meting Lin!
OMG! have fun! no everyone likes you!
The haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate, the fakers gonna fake fake fake fake fake. SHAKE IT OFF!!!
you don't have friends? what!
you have friends in fact you have 12.3 thousand friends
I hope that you feel better xxx
thank you so so so so so so soooooooo much for the likes and comments it means the world to me!😘
ok-you get a follow! your collages are awesome!💕