Mini Contest 3/5


Mini Contest 3/5

72 14
tysm!glad you liked it!!๐Ÿ˜˜
and ty for the mentioning me in your bio!
tysm!!You should make one!!It would be awesome to make edits as cool as yours!
um, for my prizes, can I have a vote for pop page, vote for feature, and a collab?
well that's kinda how I feel with mine:)
I couldn't think of any more details I could have put in there ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜…
your too kind!Um, whatever's easier for you!
ok!great!So I tried to give you a shoutout(shoutout or shout out?) in the website/bio, but when I put it in, it said website invalid.How did you do yours?
I didn't do that:(Here's what I typed in Shoutout/to/TROPICAL/and/flowerlu69/and/my/
yeah, she's my next door neighbor!
lol!Yeah, I actually recommended it to her!Should I just tell you on an old remix or something?
oh sorry, I just went scrolled down and picked a random one.I promise I didn't read it!
ok good!๐Ÿ˜˜You can try now, I changed my email to a fake, so you can๐Ÿ˜˜
I just realized I used the same emoji 2๐Ÿ˜‚
tysm for doing that!If I ever need a co-owner, I know who to go to!
oh!Ok!Well thank you!
Wow, we were talking a lot I just realized!
this has 23 comments!
3 of which weren't mine!
when I was still i_dream_in_color I was pretty rubbish too!Oh well, times change๐Ÿ˜…
I did, but I logged off, after getting so few likes compared to this account, and I don't remember the password or email so...
?Wait what?Im confused?
oh now I get it, on i_dream_in_black_and_white
oh well, maybe if to someone who just started...
oh, cause I was like WHA??Then you'd totally be better than me!My first edit was just a quote with a really stupid picture that had shuttershock over it๐Ÿ˜…
what time is it where you live?here it's 11:55
better than mine!
an hour apart!So you must live in the USA then, huh?So do I!I live in Minnesota
well it wasn't really real, it was something like love is forevor๐Ÿ˜น๐Ÿ˜น
funny!!Im assuming you've been Detroit?If you have, then we could be Detroit buddies too!
Detroit buddies!Lol!Im actually going in to fifth grade!What grade are u going in to?
awesome!cause I don't care that your older!Thats the cool thing about making friends online, is we'd probably never be friends if we just knew each other in real life, but since you don't know or see anything about them, you can't judge them!
what are your hobbies?Mine are:writing, drawing, acting, singing, reading, swimming, pic collage(duh), and weheartit!
yup!I honestly don't mind whatsoever if you were 2 feet tall and had a 100 foot long beard and hot pink pig tails.
because your a kind person and a great friend!
tysm!And I wouldn't care if you were the granddaughter of the ugliest troll in the whole world!
I wouldn't care if you had feet for a face and a road for a neck and the fattest belly made out bubblegum in though whole wide world!!
no, because you didn't direct it toward him!Im fine with it!
that's so kind!!Right back at you!!I wish I could've said something all smart-like like that๐Ÿ˜…
that one literally made me laugh so loud I almost woke up my parents!
no๐Ÿ˜…just playing with ya!It would be bad if they woke up!
wow, this has been a nice long conversation!I can't even remembered what started it!๐Ÿ˜…
it would!!!Id be in SO much trouble!
idk, your probably REALLY tired so you can if you want, I will probably once this conversation ends
oh!No, I'm still awake as long as you are!
ok good!What do you wanna talk about next?
me too!Im really not that tired, I don't need much sleep.Ive never really slept much, I've always fallen asleep really late and woken up a few hours later
that'd be fun to have a cat!I have 2 dogs at my dads house.Well technically it's 1 dog but my dads girlfriend's dog is ALWAYS over cause she has to work a lot
yeah, that kind of what I did yesterday, I was awake til around 1:00 and woke up at 10
but unfortunately, I don't get to see them often, because, like his girlfriend, my dad works a lot!He owns a crossfit(a type of gym)and one of his coaches quit and he doesn't have a replacement yet so he has to work almost all the classes:(
sure!so your saying we stay awake till we get 100 comments and then we continue tomorrow right?
ok!!should we start chatting @ about 10:30 tomorrow?
if not, maybe around 12:00ish would work for me
ok, um that'll probably work, I'll get to you tomorrow about it!
so are you excited for school?
um, I think the emoji tag, although I'm not quite sure:|
what was yours?
I think I did that tag too!that was one of my more recent ones I believe
yea, do you?
oh, well that's no fun!Im also glad you changed the subject! well, hmm, what's something good to talk about?
how about...hmm??Im stumped!
I have an Alex at my school, his name is Danny.Personally, I think he's pretty ugly and looks too much like a Barbie doll for my taste.
that's good!Um, well I have a mega nice teacher this year!Well actually teachers!I have two teachers doing a job share this year, so that'll be interesting!
funny, Danny looks like Jen without a tan:_)
coincidence buddies!๐Ÿ–๐Ÿผlol!!
um, what is your favorite smell?
mine's the smell of the library
or just a book in general
Detroit buddies, m buddies, and coincidence buddies๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ
cool!Smell buddies!๐Ÿ‘ƒ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘ƒ๐Ÿฝ
um, probably the Percy Jackson books!
we're tied in commenting๐Ÿ˜…
finally a girl who like pjo and hoo!Is it weird I have a fictional crush on Leo?
now it is, before it was 88 and 88
I'm gonna beat ya!!
did you know icecreamswimmingbunnies26 reads warriors too!
oh, I kind of figured you would say that, but yeah, I think he's really funny, and I like that in a guy
same.HORRIBLE mistake!I started on the son of Neptune
but I loved the books!
so do i๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…
almost to 100:(
lol, neither do I!Im not a great builder, but he ALWAYS makes me laugh! ma
just ignore that ma at the end
funny!I don't want to stop, but we're at 100:(
wanna go to 115?
we've literally been talking for like 2 hours!AWESOME!
btw I voted for you for EVERYTHING!
ikr!!I just wish I could see their reaction!And their gonna see our icons over and over and over and over again:_)
np!!Youre like the best PC bestie ever!!So I kind of had to make one!
I don't think I've ever talked to anyone this long!Its one of the most wonderful conversations I've experienced!
awe tysm!! feels like we've been sitting here for 20 minutes not 2 hours, I guess time flies when your having fun!
I know!!I feel like your just one of my friends I've known my whole life, and I'm just texting you!
wow!is she good?
I'll have to check her out!
I just searched her up, she's really good!
you must be getting tired
neither am I!I feel like I just had a very caffeine-filled coffeeโ˜•๏ธ
what's your favorite song?
neither do i๐Ÿ˜–, I just meant I'm very awake!
mine's Don't let me down by daya and chainsmokers
me too!Have you heard treat you better by Shawn mended?Thats pretty good!
mine's 32% and charging!Although mine's an iPod๐Ÿ˜Š
yeah!I love it!Except for when it say the opposite of heaven...
once!It was at 100% when we started though, so that makes a difference!
I need to catch up on commenting!Im 2 behing๐Ÿ˜…
aw, that makes sense!
I started at probably 9:30
we've been talking since like 11:00!
well for you, 12
ikr!2 1/2 hours!
imagine if we would've stopped at 100 comments๐Ÿ˜…
I had to press the load comments 5x to get to the top๐Ÿ˜…
one time my friend an I started talking about hangers(idk why?) and ended talking about the zoo!
PERFECT example!!
yeah!Um, what's your favorite kind of art?
mine's probably drawing or writing, or acting
when's your birthday?
oh happy belated bday!Mine is January 12
cool!i don't remember what I am...I know I knew it at some point!
yeah, Leo is kind of easy to remember because of Leo Valdez.
and a golden dragon๐Ÿ…๐Ÿ‰
are you allowed to share your name?
I like it!
for some reason I think of a bunch of pine trees when I say your name
ty!Im deleting mine too!
interesting...I always think of this ugly pink sweater dress I had when I was like 3 when I say it
September 6, hbu?
school buddies!๐ŸŽ
ok, you did stay up till 3, so I completely respect your choice!goodnight m/Detroit/smell/school buddy!
I meant 2
wait I did mean 3
Sorry, I was gonna change it back to Sapphire_ICE but then someone hacked the account and changed the pass so I couldn't!
lol it's ok ๐Ÿ˜‚โœจ
I'm ready to chat if you are!
alrighty then, what'd do you wanna talk about?
sounds awesome!whats your favorite hot dish?
um, do you still like McDonald's
probably rudy's red eye grill
cool!I haven't been there in a LONG time
um what's your favorite cafeteria food?
I just like the potatoes and chicken nuggets๐Ÿ˜…
yeah, their REALLY good!๐ŸŸ(I couldn't find a potato emoji๐Ÿ˜ฐ)
alright I have to go now, see ya later alligator!
for our collab in collab week have it to me ASAP plz
not its 180, but you have 195๐Ÿ˜น
wow!we talked a LOT last night
almost for 4 hours!
it's just ludicrous!
this contest will be over today and the winners will be announced tomorrow
I missed this contest ๐Ÿ˜ฌ