Hey guys! I know I'm on my break but I was thinking about permanently leaving because I literally talk to no on here and I've grown apart from so many people. Like one of my closest ones have left and I just don't feel like I belong here anymore. I don't


Hey guys! I know I'm on my break but I was thinking about permanently leaving because I literally talk to no on here and I've grown apart from so many people. Like one of my closest ones have left and I just don't feel like I belong here anymore. I don't

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u should stay. and I have noticed that too. plz just stay!!!
what!?!?? why??!!! u should stay... I think that u r an amazing collager
noooooooooooooo u have helped though so many tough times and I need u on here u are my best friend on here😞🙌🏻💦😨
I don't have the time for PC. I feel as if I disappoint instead of impress 😭😔
No dont please...
The only reason I stayed was becuz of you being a good friend a while ago.. please dont
Fine but keep my last collage in mind
omg what u are amazing there are literally no words to explain how much I love you and ur collages and I know a lot of people will feel the same😟 you have so many people that love you and they don't want you to leave😞 but we can make Picollage a better place I believe we can💭 if u leave I feel I have no one when I first started PicCollage I always looked up to you and went I want to be like her u are a true idol and u impress me everyday just plz don't give up we need you here to support us help us and give us advice u make me happy everyday when I wake up and see u posted a new collage unlike me I haven't posted for ages and u gave me that boost to post just plz don't let me down or the other followers we all adore u and if u want to leave we can respect that and at the end of the day we are all here for you💕🙌🏻 sorry this was so long😂
Nooo, please. You are one of the best collagers and you should realize it, because not everyone does all the love you put on your edits. But, as I always say, it's your decision, but I think that many people loves you, as a person and all your talents. Don't focus only on the amount of followers or likes, because at the end is more important what you feel about your collages and the people you get to know on here. You are a great friend and I love you so much xoxo
I bet there are SO MANY pic collages out there who would love to talk with u and become close friends online! One of those people being me❤️ I feel u though😂 So many people are leaving! More than ever before I think😭 But there r some people who think they belong and others that do! Overall, u can ask to talk to your followers and I'm sure many would love to do that so if u stay, u can create more friendships❤️❤️
Please don't leave!!! Your collages are amazing and so creative!!! Even if you feel you don't have enough time can you please stay on?!?! But it is completely your choice of you are going to stay or not. P.s- I hope you stay though😄
it's up to you but I'd hate if you left and I know we don't talk a lot but you're still a friend 💖
don't leave you are so nice probably the best on here cause those perfect news folks don't let anyone join so please don't leave
don't LEAVE!!!!!!!!!
You can't for so many people here on PicCollage it just isn't going to be The same too!!!!!!
Aww, please don't go! I know that it's your choice and that it's something coming from me considering I'm gonna be taking a break and stuff, but you have a bright 2016 on here.. but we all understand, it's your choice ❤️
please don't. i have no one left if your gone...
you shout not leave
I don't know what their username is they changed it and I didn't follow them so idk but I'll look
I know this is only your choice, but you INSPIRED so many people, including me! I am so tired of people saying they are leaving PicCollage, and you are like one of the best PicCollagers ever! I really don't want you to quit this account, also the ones who commented before me said they don't want you to leave or quit, so yeah. so if you quit, I guess you made your choice, but I'm not going to quit trying to get you to not leave! PLEASE STAY! you are so weird- in a good way, and unique, also creative! INSPIRING us, showing us how creative you are! that is what every single person on PicCollage should do! and I don't want you to quit doing that, so please, please don't.😔
No, please!😭
You got 40 comments!!!!!! You shouldnt go either
please don't go. you are my idol and if you leave I have no one to look up to
What is your favorite thing about PC? Do you care more for the folks, or collaging? You can only control the latter, but the former is usually just as reliable. My friend group changes constantly on here. Trying to look at this logically instead of emotionally. Please stay!!
Do not leave!! Your collages are AMAZING, I would love to be one of your friends, I've read your blogs and stuff and you are inspiring, caring, friendly, and FUNNY!! 😘🙌🏼💗 Your collages aren't rubbish, you think they are, but honestly, compared to mine and, like, 50k collagers's collages, they are amazing. Well, actually, they're amazing in every way... DONT LEAVE!!
what?! please don't leave! my friends are drifting away too, but I still stay because I love making edits! and I love your edits and your account and you in general! you have been such a great friend to me and I can't lose that... 😔
pls don't leave pls pls pls
I've missed you ❤️❤️ love you babe