👏C. L. I. C. K. 👏
This is home, yesterday my family and I drove on a route to the next town..... Well you get the idea! 😂😉😊 This was my own photo! Quite proud of it actually, because used a pretty stuffed camera. (iPod) Sorry guys, this was a really simpl


👏C. L. I. C. K. 👏 This is home, yesterday my family and I drove on a route to the next town..... Well you get the idea! 😂😉😊 This was my own photo! Quite proud of it actually, because used a pretty stuffed camera. (iPod) Sorry guys, this was a really simpl

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Hey i hope my followers are reading this! *Fingers crossed* So my wifi is playing up, we have to contact the company etc...... anyway, so wont be able to post for awhile :( , i promise that i haven't left, merely just in a difficult situation..... thanks for understanding! :) :) :) :) <3
Unfortunately, Gryffindor wasn't open, and neither was Slytherin, but I put you on team Beauxbatons. Trust me! They are great!
oh this is beautiful ❤️🌹