Random RP. I'll go with whatever you peeps wanna do. IDC.


Random RP. I'll go with whatever you peeps wanna do. IDC.

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Nebula: *sitting in her room, reading*
Mark: *walks through the door money flying everywhere with some sweet shades on* sup?
Searia: *holding her notepad joting down some notes*
Nebula: Wtaf Mark?!?! *puts the book down*
Mark: like the new groove? *strikes a sassy pose trying to look sexy* 😗😎
Searia: *rolls her eyes and laughs*
(can I join?)
(sure!!) Nebula: Wow. just wow.
Nebula: Yeah, uh... suuuurrrreeee, Mark. Look's good?
(I have Spanish and then PE for ma first two periods, so I won't be on until break.)
Jack: Looks great Mark. * smiles*
Nebula: Hey Jack.
Jack: Hey Neb. Anti: * appears next to Jack* Hey Neb~
Nebula: *smiles* Hi Anti!
Willow: *tackles Jack, and licks his face* RUFF!! (JACK!!!)
Mark: *blushes* thanks Jackaboy~ i just got back from a convention and got all this cool stuff! *takes off his shades and folds them up*
Nebula: Convention for what?
Mark: the YouTube convention! duh!
Nebula: I knew that. I totally knew that.
Mark: *giggles hanging his shades on the collar of his shirt*
Nebula: *she walks over to the fridge and grabs an apple, and takes a bite* Willow: *licks Mark's hand*
Mark: *rubs Willows head* hey Willow!
Willow: ruff! (hi!)
Nebula: *smiles* So, whatdda ya guys wanna do?
Mark: *giggles* I dunno! *shrugs*
Nebula: yeah, I don't either. Willow: *curls up at Mark's feet*
Jack: We could all do a collab video! *hyper* ( Never give Jack sugar lol)
(lol) Nebula: *shrugs* Sure.
Jack: * runs and gets his computer*
Nebula: I'm kinda scared to do this... cråp.
Jack: * comes back* Don't be. It'll just be a reading comments video.
Searia: I could write a script for the video?
Nimphia: *walks in to the room but trips on the doorway and flops on her face* Hey- Oof!
Jack: * helps Nimphia up* Hey. Admin: * looks at Searia* Sure.
Nebula: coolio.
Willow: *tackles Nimphia back to the ground* RUFFFF!!! (NIMPHIA-CHAN!!)
Admin: * hugs Willow*
Willow: *licks Admin*
Admin: * smiles and scratches Willow behind the ear*
Nimphia: wait- ?! *gets tackled to the ground*
Nebula: *laughs*
Willow: ruff!
Admin: * laughs* Good dog Willow!
Willow: ruff (I know!)
Admin: * tosses Willow a treat*
Mark: oh yeah! a collage video is a great idea jack! *smiles brightly at the thought*
Jack: * hugs Mark* Thx! * smiles* But I think I drank too much coffee this morning. I’ve been hyper all day.
Nebula: No duh. Willow: *eats the treat* ruff!! (YAY!!)
Nebula: .... and I forgot to have coffee this morning... dåmñit...
Nimphia: *grabs Willow by the collar and takes her off of her* Ugh. I've been getting tackled left and right today. one more tackl- *gets tackled by Philo* Philo: MOMMY!!!! *hugs her* Hi mommy!!
(Nebula. I'm really sorry I can't see you tonight. my dad grounded me for lying and for getting a F in a class. and then he yelled at me and slammed my door.)
(I'm going private for a little while untill I get this figured out....)
(okay.... It's okay.)
I'm sorry and I still care about all of you so much..... I can't do this. I love you so much Neb. I BEGGED my dad to let me see you tonight it's my fault you can't see me. I'm sorry I screwed it up.
It's okay. I forgive you. stuff like this happens to me too. It's okay. I forgive you. You're still my best friend, and I won't let ANYTHING screw this friendship up.
Dude I'm sorry. I'm crying irl and I want to hang with you more than anything in the universe. I miss you and I'm sorry. I might have to delete Pc. but I am giving my iPad back to the school and my dad got mad at me for having PC and I might not get an iPad next year....
I can't stay private. I love everyone too much! But I'm still depressed.
It's okay. I promise. It's okay.
No it's not!! I have a D- a D a D+ and a F!! IS THAT OK?! I'm sorry... I'm just alone and kinda scared....
Nimphia... I forgive you. It's okay. I have an F in band. IN. BAND. (I literally hate band though. playing the flute is not my thing.) You're still my BFF and nothing can change that.
*tears up* ...............................
OKAY. Enough with the depressing talk. I don't like it. *hugs Nimphia and Maddi* WE NEED TO BE POSITIVE!!!!
lol! positivity! *hugs back*
Mangle : sup * this will be my last rp*
Nebula: MANGLE!! *hugs you*